Collateral Consequences

After a criminal conviction, Florida law applies additional penalties beyond incarceration, probation, fines, costs and restitution.

A criminal conviction can, for instance, negatively impact people applying for a professional license and those already licenses, such as a doctor, nurse, teacher or lawyer. Many licensing bodies, such as the Board of Medicine and the Board of Nursing, require individuals to disclose a criminal conviction when applying for a professional license and if already licensed. These Boards typically investigate the underlying circumstances of the conviction and can impose penalties ranging from a fine to a license revocation.

Every licensing board and agency in Florida treats criminal convictions differently. If you are professional accused of a crime, your lawyer must understand the professional consequences of a conviction.

To see how a DUI conviction, for instance, can negatively impact professionals, click here.

Fortunately, Michael, through his work at the Police Benevolence Association, has successfully saved the careers of police officers accused of crimes. Contact him today to schedule a free in-depth consultation.

Other Consequences
A criminal conviction can also have negative consequences in the following areas, depending on the crime:

Access to public housing
Access to public assistance
Parental Rights
Ability to serve in the military
Ability to obtain a concealed carry permit
Ability to obtain financial or a scholarship
Ability to vote
Ability to hold public office

If you have been accused of a crime and want your best chances to avoid any of these consequences, you need a diligent and thorough criminal defense attorney. Similarly, if you have a prior criminal conviction, a lawyer may be able to help you get the conviction sealed Contact Michael White today to schedule a free in-depth consultation.